Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Phoenix Baby Shower

Tim's mom and two sister-in-laws were very nice and had a baby shower for us while we were down there. My cousin Jake and his wife Nicki, along with their two little girls Ali and Riah also showed up. It was so good to see them! Lisa and Andrea (my sister-in-laws) got all the guys involved, and actually tortered them more than anyone. We played three games. The first was where there were three teams of four and we had to change a baby's diaper blind folded. My team won. Then, there was a bottle full of milk chugging contest. Jake won quickly, but after looking back at pictures, I think he cheated. It looks like the cap is in his hand. Hmmm, so Jake, were you cheating????? The next game was a blind folded baby food taste testing competition. I tried to warn my in-laws before we started that Jake would for sure win since my Aunt Evie always had us doing taste testing when we were kids, and I was right. He is the only one who scored a perfect score. After all that, we were given a ton of gifts for the little guy. He is going to be a very spoiled little guy for sure.
My niece Lizzy gave the baby this bib that says "Chicks Dig Me" I thought it was too cute!
Paul and Lisa gave us this St. Louis Cardinals onesie. They lived here a few years ago and are still big Cardinals fans. They only saw it fitting that the baby be a fan as well.
Mark really disliked the baby food. In fact, we all thought he was going to lose it at one point, but luckily his stomach stayed strong.
Ron (Tim's dad), Jake and Tim sucking milk from a bottle...see, men never really do grow up. ;)
Tim, Paul, and Jake trying to change a diaper. Tim was VERY slow at this. He has lots of practice to do. :)

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