Thursday, April 30, 2009

OB visit

This weeks visit went pretty well. I am now a centimeter dialated, where as before, I was very close, but now quite there. I was hoping to be more, but at least that was something. The doctor ran a stress test on the baby because his heart rate was enough lower than what we had been having, so he wanted to make sure everything was okay. Turns out, baby is fine. It was neat to watch the monitor because you could see when he would start moving, his heart rate would shoot up and then it would go down when he would relax. My doctor has decided to induce me Monday night, so we should hopefully have a baby by Tuesday.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

38 weeks...

Today marks 38 weeks for us. I have been getting jabbed with a foot in my left side constantly for the last few days. It has been really hot here...upper eighties with high I have no clothes that fit for that weather. I have had to resort to Tim's boxer shorts. They are very comfy! I don't think he is thrilled that I am wearing his underwear around town, but oh well.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Planting Trees

What was supposed to be a quick trip to the Home Depot this morning turned into a much longer trip than what I was expecting. We went to get some ceiling fans for the other bedrooms in our house and a weed wacker for Tim to use since he just mowed the lawn this morning. As we pulled up to the store, we noticed they were having a big tree and plant sale. Tim has been driving me nuts wanting to plant trees in our yard for the last month. So, today, Tim got his wish and with the help of our great neighbor Mark, he was able to get three trees to plant in the yard. Mark and Tim went back to Home Depot with Mark's truck bought the trees and a few other random tools that we needed, came back to the house and got to work. I mean while just monitored the boys and then went and got them half priced drinks at Sonic to quench their thirst. :)

Mark and Tim putting the tree in the hole they dug.
Tim using some weird looking tool to dig. We apparently have a very rocky backyard.
Carrying the mulch back to the trees to make the bases of them look all pretty.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baby update

We had an OB appointment today. Parker grew a lot this last week. My stomach measured 2 cm bigger this week than it did last week. He had a heart rate of 158, is definitely head down, and my cervix is now 70% thinned, which means I am almost a centimeter dialated. Everything is looking good. We have our next appointment a week from today.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Week 36 doctor visit

I am 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. This morning was my now weekly visit to the doc. Everything is still looking good. My cervix is still thinning, and is a little more so than last week. I measured 35 cm today and the baby's heart rate was 140, which he said is all good.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

36 weeks & Happy Easter!

Today marks 36 weeks. Nothing really new baby wise to report on since our doctors appointment on Thursday. I do have another appointment this Thursday, so we'll have more info then.

Tim and I started Easter off by going to Mass with our neighbors the Caseys and then we went out to some friends of ours house in Troy, Missouri for a nice Easter dinner and fun with Tim's work friends and their families.

We had the sad news today that my Nonnie (grandma) has pneumonia and is in the hospital. She has been battling Parkinson's Disease for several years now and has been in the end stages for the last few years. The doctors are keeping her comfortable right now. We are saying our prayers for her in her last little bit of life. I love you Nonnie!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

35.5 week check

We had a prenatal appointment today. I had the Strep B testing done and the results will be in next week. Parker is measuring 34, had a heart rate of 154, and the doctor estimates he is about five pounds. He has also been a very active baby today. I keep seeing my stomach bouncing all over the place. The doctor also checked my cervix today. I am not dilated yet, but I am starting to thin, so things are moving in the right direction. I now have to go in once a week until this little guy decides to come grace us with his presence in the world.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

35 weeks

Sunday marked 35 weeks for us. This little guy is getting HUGE! I feel like every morning I wake up and my stomach has doubled in size. I have also noticed my appetite has significantly increased. I just can't seem to get full some days. Our next prenatal appointment is on Thursday, so we'll have more to update then.

Other news in our world is that we finally got to go out and start working on our yard this weekend. Tim fertalized it to hopefully get it all green again after all my work watering last year. I am not really capable of dragging the hoses to where they need to go now, so I supervised and showed Tim my method of watering while he moved stuff all around to water the yard. I also walked around the yard, with Tim making sketches of the ideas we have for our amphitheatre back yard. In the fall we plan on planting some tree and once we get done with these random spring freezes, Tim is going to plant some flowers out front. Okay, enough boring yard talk for now. :)