Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Being that is Halloween time and all, Tim and I decided that we should carve up some pumpkins. Our whole plan was to go out to the pumpkin patch, go through the corn maze and each pick out a pumpkin. However, every time we set a time to go do it, something came up, so we resorted to going to the grocery store and buying two pumpkins. Tim's pumpkin is the one on the left, and mine is the one on the right. According to Tim, I have the weeny pumpkin and he has the scary pumpkin. Mine just looks like a kid carved it is all. ;)
Me with my pumpkin.
Tim with his pumpkin.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Arizona Wildcats

So, unless you are in the dark, Tim is an Arizona alumni, which means that the world stops when the Wildcats are playing. Last night they played USC (the University of Spoiled Children as our friends call them) and unfortunately lost. Timmy is very sad/grumpy about this today. He did crack me up though. As soon as we found out I was pregnant, he went online and ordered this little football jersey onesie thing. We were joking around last night that my stuffed dog Muchachito would probably fit into it. He surprisingly did. So, since I fell asleep, Tim had someone to watch the game with. :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Gateway Arch

My mom has been visiting since last Thursday. Tim and I are really enjoying having her here and don't want her to go home. I luckily havent' had to work all that much, so I have been doing all the touristy things with her since I haven't done a lot of them yet. Unfortunately Tim was only able to go with us this weekend as he is still working his long days. Sunday we all went down to Forest Park where all the museums and zoo are located. It is a beautiful park, and best of all, all the stuff there to do is free! We did the art museum on Sunday and then went to the history museum yesterday. Monday mom and I went to the arch. I truly feel like it is something everyone should do once, but I definitely feel like I have been there, done that, and have no desire to do it again. To get up in the arch, you get in these little cars that I swear just looked like oversized washing machines that were made big enough for humans to get inside of them. Then, as you go up, it sounds like things are going to break down. Apparently, from time to time they do break down, so if you are one of those unlucky folks in the "washing machine," you end up in this tiny crammed space smaller than an elevator until they can get it fixed. The views from the top of the arch were amazing though. It was neat being able to see over the Mississippi River and see straight into Busch Stadium.

On another note, I had a prenatal appointment today. My doctor says everything is going great! He used some funky machine that I forget the name of so that we could hear the heart beat of the baby. The heart beat was 170 beats per minute. The doctor said the baby is happy today. :) We will find out the sex of the baby at my nineteen week appointment. I know grandma Bonnie can't wait to know...she said that looking at baby clothes is torture for her right now because she just wants to buy, but doesn't know whether or not to buy girl stuff or boy stuff. :)

I got a kick out of this dental sign that was hanging in the line we waited in to go up the arch.
Busch Stadium from the top of the arch.
Looking out the windows at the top of the arch.

Mom and me in the "washing machine" riding to the top of the arch.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Clothes Don't Fit

Today, I am officially ten weeks pregnant. Tim took this picture of me last night, so I thought I would put it up. I only have two pair of normal people pants that fit me right now, one of them being a pair I just bought a size bigger. :) My friend Monica went with me yesterday to finally buy some maternity clothes, so I now have a pair of those funny jeans with elastic stuff. I think the benefit to these is that I don't have to worry about buttoning or zipping up my pants, I just pull them up. I am continuing to have my "all day" sickness randomly, but it is starting to ease up some thank goodness.

This past week and this coming week, I have picked up two extra days at work covering for one of the other hygienists who had to have her tonsils out, so needless to say I have been extra tired. These extra days are cutting into my nap schedule. ;) Tim has also been working extra. By extra, I mean six day weeks of 60 hours. Needless to say, he is rather tired too. I don't think me getting up to go to the bathroom 2-3 times a night and accidentally waking him up is helping his tiredness either, but he doesn't complain. Hopefully he'll have next Saturday off since my mom will be visiting. She flies in on Thursday and we are both very excited to have her coming to visit.