Sunday, February 21, 2010

Plastic Bins Are Fun!

Parker is a silly little man sometimes. :)
"Seriously mommy, what do you want, I am trying to play with my toys. Can't you see???"

I bought this bin at Target today to put all my maternity clothes in, since the bin I had was too small. When I got home, I set it down behind the couch, but Parker managed to get over to it, and thought it was a cool new toy/walker. I swear, that thing provided for a lot of entertainment to the kid today.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fun With Baby

Parker's favorite toy is the remote.
Tim was playing peek-a-boo with Parker through the window in his house.
I love this kid more than anything.
...and he apparently loves me. These are Parker kisses...yes, he does practically attack us, but it is his way of giving kisses.
Hanging with daddy.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Poor Baby

Parker has had a rough weekend. He started getting a cold Friday night, was feeling under the weather yesterday, and then today was just a big crank pot. Later in the afternoon, he started grabbing at his left ear, so with a snow storm under way, we packed him up and took him to the urgent care. Sure enough, the poor little guy has an ear infection. Now that he is all drugged up, he is sleeping, and will hopefully get a good night sleep.

Onto other news, Parker is loving feeding himself more and more. As you can see above, he sometimes likes to shove his whole hand in his mouth with his food. I put a bunch of cheerios in front of him yesterday, and he decided that eating them one by one is for the birds. He would grab as many in his hand as he could at a time, and would shove them all in his mouth. I find it very entertaining watching him eat.
Parker is getting very good at bending down to pick things up, as well as sitting himself down, instead of just plopping down.
He managed to move himself along the couch and plopped himself down. I turned my back for a second, and he had my shoe in his mouth. I remember a story of my mom telling about me eating her sneaker when I was about Parker's age, so thought it was only appropriate to get a picture of him with the shoe.
He likes to move himself along the loveseat to the magazine holder that is blocking his access to the window and blinds. He then likes get out and mess with the magazines. We have now stocked it with all our old magazines.
This is one of Parker's friends Lily. She lives down the street and was up at our house with her sister while we watched them for a few hours this weekend. Our street is full of girls and one boy other than Parker. Since Parker is the baby, he has lots of girls who get very excited to see and play with "baby" Parker. :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crazy Boy!

Tim put together Parker's little push toy this weekend and he loves it. At first, he liked to grab it and run until he lost his balance, but now, he likes to try to push it with one hand and play with the little roller thing on top of it with his other hand. Needless to say, he is on the move even more.

Monday, February 8, 2010

9 Month Check

Parker had his nine month well baby check with his pediatrician this morning. He has slowed down on his growth just a little bit, but Dr. Shuie says he is just perfect and growing wonderfully. Here are his stats for the day:
Height: 28 and three quarter inches (67th percentile)
Weight: 21 pounds 10 ounces (68th percentile)
Head: 70th percentile

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Busy Boy

Parker is growing and moving so fast these days. He is standing without holding onto anything for longer and longer periods of time, but still has not tried to walk on his own. He is getting quicker and quicker at scaling the furniture and his toys. He is making us very well aware of areas in the house that we need to baby proof still.

He has become very good at moving between pieces of furniture, as well as between his bigger toys. You never know where he may end up.
Tim put together his little buggy/walker toy yesterday. Parker is still not quite sure what to think about it yet, but he has shown interest in it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Coffee Anyone?

Parker was all about my frappaccino bottle yesterday when I had it. I think he may take after his daddy and like the coffee drink a lot.
Lately, Parker is really excited when he sees my computer out, but he likes to bang and destroy stuff, so we pulled out my seven year old laptop from college that we don't use anymore and let him use it as a play toy, since it isn't a big deal if he wrecks that one.
I know he has food in his mouth, but you can also see his two little toofers!
Standing all on his own like a big boy! He still isn't very sure about this whole standing thing as you can tell by the look on his face, but he is doing it for longer and longer periods at a time.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010