Thursday, November 20, 2008

Baby update

I had a baby doctor appointment today. We got to listen to the heart beat again. This time it was 156 beats per minutes. My doctor says everything is looking great still. Yeah! My next appointment is December 18. I will have an ultrasound at that one and if the baby cooperates, we'll find out the sex!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Amoxicillin anyone?

So, I have been sick for the last week. It all started with a stomach thing on Wednesday and then progressed from there into a full on hacking fit and congestion. It got better over the weekend and then slammed me down good yesterday. I ended up calling in sick to work today and Tim took me in to the doctor. Turns out, I have an upper respiratory tract infection. Lovely, yes I know. I figured something was up when Robutussin just wasn't cutting it anymore. So, I am now on day one of antibiotics to clear me all up. Doesn't really help that we didn't even get out of the thirties today. Needless to say, I think my butt is imprinted permanently into the couch cusions from all my time spent there over the last few days.

Onto baby. I am now fifteen weeks. Tim just snapped this picture. We are trying to get a shot each week so we can watch my growth, although with me being sick we are running a little late this week. Oh well. My morning/all day sickness is pretty much gone. (Thank God!) I am now noticing that foods I used to love, just don't taste good anymore. For some reason chicken just isn't cutting it for me right now, which really stinks. No real food cravings for me though, which is kind of nice. Other than that, things are just cooking right along.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Over the weekend, I flew up to Chicago and met three of my girlfriends from high school. Karissa is a CPA in Seattle and had a business trip out to Chicago to audit a hotel, so Charissa flew in from Virginia and Shelley drove up from Indiana and we all got to visit with each other for the weekend. Charissa was the planner for the group. (Thank you Charissa!) Friday night we went to the original Uno's Pizza, which is Chicago style deep dish. Then, Saturday we spent the day downtown. We walked the magnificent mile, and boy was it magnificent! I've decided that I need a whole week, plus a lot of money to go shopping up in Chicago. We also went to the Signature Room at the top of the John Hancock so we could see the city from up high. For dinner we went to Lowry's and experienced the famous roast beef, and then took off to the Oriental Theatre for the Broadway production of "Wicked." It was great being able to see my friends, so who I hadn't seen in a long time again. Hopefully we'll be able to do it again soon!

Our view from our table at the John Hancock.
Charissa said she had a "food" baby, so we compared to see whose baby was bigger. :)
Me, Karissa, Charissa, and Shelley in the Signature Room.
Shelley, Charissa, and Karissa on the blue train going to town.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

13 Weeks

So, I continue to have a growing belly. I swear it doubled in size to me this week. I officially can't sleep at all on my tummy and that drives me nuts! The "all day" sickness has definitely eased up, now just randomly will I feel sick. Yeah!!! Both of us are still working extra, and this week I really felt it. I am super tired. Hopefully I can catch up on my sleep with day light savings time tonight. :)