Saturday, July 3, 2010

Festival Time

I watched my friend Stacey's kids this week one day and got them pizza for lunch. Parker loves his pizza and his friends. Here he is laughing at them after they were finished eating. Hence, the messy face. :)
Parker really loves playing with balls. We laugh sometimes, because he bends to pick them up, and in the process kicks them. This makes him made, so he then screams at the ball.

We went to old town St. Charles today for a little festival with some of our friends, the Caseys.
Our friends, the Caseys.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Mexico- the second half.

For some reason, the photo uploader decided to stop working for me halfway through uploading my pictures, so there will be more to come. Parker and I went to New Mexico to see my dad's side of the family last weekend. We went camping on the lake at Elephant Butte. Parker decided to be a hellion for me most of the weekend, but other than that, it was a great trip.
With my Papa. It is tradition for me to always get a picture with him each time I visit.
This is my cousin Jenny's daughter, Kyleigh.
Papa, Santiago, and Uncle Art.
Kelly, Papa, me and Parker
Parker with my cousin Jenny.
Me, Kyleigh, and Jenny
The whole gang, minus Parker...he finally had fallen asleep!
Uncle Kelly was making him giggle.
At the airport, ready to go home.