Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cardinals Baseball

Last night Tim and I went to the St. Louis Cardinals game with Rob, Monica, and Alex, who are some of our new friends here. Rob works with Tim. Anyways, we enjoyed watching the Cardinals cream the Atlanta Braves something like 17-1. We also discovered that Tim had never had cotton candy before!!! Monica bought some and Tim wasn't quite sure what to make of it, so we made him try it. Needless to say, he is hooked. Some of the pictures came out a little blurry. For some reason all the humidity in the air was fogging up my lens on my camera.

Tim, me, Monica, Alex, and Rob

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A New Job!!!

As many of you know, I have been searching for a job lately. I have been going a little batty being at home all the time, so my plan to take a few months off only lasted a week tops. Any how, after a few job interviews and then a working interview on Monday, I was offered a part-time position with a great office only 12 minutes from our house. I start on Tuesday and am very excited because this office is running all the fancy stuff that I used in school and is completely paperless! I hate writing in chart, I type much faster. :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Congrats Timmy!!!

Tim finished up the last of his coursework for his MBA from Norwich University yesterday. We are both very excited, although, I am not quite sure it has sunk in for him yet, that he has no more assignments due. He actually got his last assignment done earlier in the week, but it was a group assignment, so he had to okay the paper before it was submitted last night. So, basically, this was his first weekend where he didn't have to do school work all weekend. I took full advantage of this and had him help me with cleaning this too big of house. He also enjoyed going to the driving range to hit some golf balls, and watching the Olympics.

On another note, we finally have grass! The sod guys showed up bright and early on Thursday and by night time, we had a yard. Now it is a never ending deal of watering. You have to water each spot for 3o minutes twice a day. Needless to say, we don't have a sprinkler system, so that thirty minutes turns into two hours twice a day by the time the sprinkler is moved around to the various parts of the yard. I have taken on the task of being the water girl, due to the fact that Tim just sinks into the sod and messes it up when he tries to bring the sprinkler out there. Although, each day it is looking more and more like real grass, so hopefully my watering can slow down soon!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


We are finally settling into life here in Missouri. We closed on the house July 31, and promptly had the movers here on August 1 delivering all of our stuff. Luckily we aren't missing anything, but we did have a few things damaged. Nothing too major though. Tim is one group assignment away from having is MBA!!! Yeah!!!! I have been going on interviews for jobs. I am going nuts sitting around here all the time. I managed to get through all the boxes, along with be home for all the random service people that have had to come over to connect stuff here and there. Now we just have some organized chaos around the house, and are awaiting our blinds to get here so we don't just have open windows all the time. Tim also started an adult co-ed softball league last night with some people he works with. Last night was their first game, which they won by the ten run rule.

"Hey guys! Hit it over here....I'm waiting...."
Tim warming up, although he never was the pitcher during the game.
Getting ready for the game.
Some of our new friends: Rob, Monica, and their son Alex.
Making sure everything is all ready to go!