Monday, December 21, 2009

He Loves to Stand

Here is the last blog posting for a few weeks, as we head out to Washington to visit my family for the holidays. Although dreading the actual traveling through airports and airplanes, we are very excited to be there and visit with family and friends!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jumpy Baby

Teething Biscuits Anyone?

Parker had teething biscuits for the first time this morning, and loved them! Tim and I quickly learned how messy they can be, but it was so worth it to not have him whining from his sore gums.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Curious Little Man

We bought Parker a puffer jacket because it is so cold here in St. Louis during the winter. I just love how ridiculous he looks in it. Every time I put it on him, he has a mini fit, and then gives me the look you see in the picture as if saying "Why mom? Why? Why must you make me look like this?" It kind of reminds of the kid from A Christmas Story because he can't put his arms down.
Parker has figured out how to stand and hold onto things. He even began walking a little bit along the furniture this morning. I thought my glass of water was out of reach, but I thought wrong, and ended up with a nice mess. Guess I have to start watching where I put things. :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Things

Parker is practicing with a sippy cup. He gets water out every once in a while and makes a funny face. He also drank from a straw for the first time yesterday. He loved the orange juice he got up and went back in for more.
Making momma proud by brushing his own teeth. He stole the toothbrush from me. How cute!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Smiley Baby

Parker is getting better at holding his smile for us to actually get pictures. Now we can document how darn cute he is a little more. :) Today he had the second part of his flu shot. He was a little trooper. I think he hated getting all bundled up in his new coat to go out in the cold to get to the doctor's office worse than the actual shot.

Parker finally got some Christmas jammies to go with his Santa hat Aunt Ginia got him. The kid has such a big head that I could barely get the hat on.

Monday, December 7, 2009

7 months!

Do these pajamas make my thighs look big??? We put Parker into these jammies the other night and his thighs are so big that I could barely get them zipped. The kick of it is, they are 12 month jammies and he is wearing mostly nine month stuff right now.
Parker has started to acknowledge his lovies. He luckily has four different ones, so we can keep them scattered throughout the house.
Parker has two things to say here. 1. GO COUGS! (they pretty much need any cheering they can get these days.) 2. I just love my new stand up toy! Thank you Uncle Ron, Aunt Susie, and Hopie for buying it for me!
Sometimes, Parker likes to get into the crawling position. He then realizes this and thinks it is too much work, so he just goes back to his belly.