Sunday, June 28, 2009


Today was Parker's first time going to church. We luckily have a church that has mass four different times on Sunday, so we are able to take our time getting ready in the morning...very convenient if you have a baby to get ready. :) Parker was just barely big enough to fit into this adorable outfit my friend Charissa bought for him, so we had to snap some pictures of him. Isn't the sweater vest just too darn cute???? As always, Parker got a ton of attention at mass, and lucky for us was a VERY good baby. He slept the entire mass, except for a small portion where he needed to eat. Of course, during this part, he decided to drop a huge load in his diaper, which for those of you who have experienced this from Parker, it was quite loud. So loud in fact, that the folks behind us were laughing. Afterwards, we went to Red Robin for lunch, where is wasn't so good, but hey, I can't expect him to be a perfect child all the time since that really doesn't exist. :

Thursday, June 25, 2009

He's 7 weeks now!

Parker continues to be tons of fun. He has grown and discovered a lot this week. His favorite thing he discovered was his tongue. He likes to stick it out and play with it at random times. Sometimes he likes to stick his tongue out while he is trying to eat, to which I like to laugh at because he can't have his tongue sticking out and try to eat at the same time. He is also very much aware of his toys attached to his playmat and likes to hit them. When he does, he gets a cute smile on his face. Yesterday, he cooed really cute when he hit one of the animals, and then paused, trying to figure out where that noise had come from. I have heard him coo a few more times today, and he still isn't sure where that noise is coming from. Very cute!

I love this little overall outfit! It finally fits him. Thanks Jake and Nicki!
Parker gets put in the bouncy chair when it is time for us to eat. Most days he loves it, sometimes, we aren't so lucky.
Here is Parker playing on his playmat. Tim caught him at the beginning of a smile. He is still very stingy with his smiles, but when he gives them out, they are SO adorable!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Family Visit

We had a fun visit with Tim's family this weekend. His parents and his brother Mark, his wife Andrea and their two girls Ashley and Kimberly all flew in from Arizona. It was great to see them all and to see them all with Parker. He continues to be a very spoiled little guy by all. He got lots of presents, and lots of attention. Everyone wanted to hold him and play with him. Our best treat of all this weekend though was that Parker slept through the night for the first time last night. We'll see if we get lucky and he does it again tonight.
The boys. Parker was a little tuckered out.
I just love how he sleeps with his hand on his head like this sometimes.
Cuddling with Uncle Mark. He really liked Uncle Mark.
It has been so hot that he spent one day only is his diaper.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Heart Doctor

Parker went to the cardiologist today for his check up. He was a very good boy. First we got his vitals. The chubbo now weighs 11 pounds 10.5 ounces and is 22.5 inches long. Good lordy this boy is growing like a weed. Dr. Van Hare said that Parker's heart is looking good and that his stenosis is very mild. We just need to continue to monitor it as he grows to make sure the pulmonary valve grows at the same rate as the heart so that the heart does not become enlarged. He will have a follow-up with Dr. Van Hare when he is six months old.
I went in to get him one morning and he had managed to get his hand out of the swaddle. I thought it was cute, so took a picture
This picture was taken on Tuesday, his six week old birthday.

Monday, June 15, 2009

He Smiles!!!

Parker gave us a few legitimate smiles for the first time today. Normally, it is just gas smiles that we see, but these were the real deal today. He gave me a couple right in a row this afternoon and I was so excited I called Tim at work to tell him. The, he gave Tim a couple of them when he got home.

Over the Weekend

Tim and I had fun with the camera this weekend snapping away pictures of our little monster, I mean little angel. :) We decided to venture out to the mall and Costco this weekend and Parker was a little trooper. He slept the whole time! Lucky for us, he loves his car seat, and loves being in his car seat when it is snapped into the stroller even more. He was a little fussy with some gas pains this weekend when he was awake though. He at least is able to pass it, it is just leading up to passing it that he gets cranky. Can't say I blame the poor guy. He is continuing to sleep wonderfully at night, so hopefully I am not jinxing myself by writing this. We are now averaging between six and seven hours straight before we have to feed him and then we usually get another three hours after that. Needless to say, we are less zombie like. Parker will be six weeks tomorrow!
Look mom! I can hold my head up some...still working on full control though!

All tuckered out after a hard day of shopping.
In the big people's bed, wow!
Hanging out with daddy on Saturday morning.

Friday, June 12, 2009

More Pictures

Parker fell asleep on Tim with his little hands underneath his chin. He had been staring at Tim, and next thing we knew, he was sleeping. Too cute!
He sometimes likes his sassy. I had to order these online for him. They don't sell them in stores, but when he was at the NICU, this is the type of sassy they gave him, and it seems to be the only type he will take.

I thought this picture was hilarious with his arm flying up. He still flails his arms randomly, but is getting more control. Both his arms, neck and legs are getting much stronger. His favorite thing right now is to bounce with his legs and then lock them so he is standing when we hold him. He also likes to kick off with his legs if he is laying against one of us, which sometimes hurts.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm 5 Weeks Old!

Parker today (6/9/09)

Parker is five weeks old today. Like I said last week, I can't believe he is this old already. He continues to be a lot of fun and challenging all at the same time. We have still been making our daily walks, one of his favorite activities to do, although the rain and thunder and lightening have helped us decide when during the day we actually get to go. Parker's neck has gotten much stronger this week and he likes to look around a lot more. Unless he is really tired, he likes to be held facing forward, not against us. My favorite thing he does that melts my heart is when I pick him up and he is tired and he just lays his little head on my shoulder. So sweet! His baby acne has also started to look better as of yesterday. It continues to look better today, so will hopefully be gone soon!

Naked baby! We had to strip him down to his diaper halfway through our walk on Sunday because it was getting to hot. Tim and I looked pretty goofy on the sidewalk stripping down our child.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

1 Month Well Baby Visit

Parker had is one month well baby visit to the pediatrician today. He is growing as he should be and Dr. Shuie said that he is growing and developing right on track. His weight is much better than last visit, and he has jumped way up in the chart here. Here are his stats he had today.
  • Weight: 10 pounds 4 ounces (65 percentile)
  • Length: 21.5 inches (56 percentile)
  • Head circumference: 37.3 centimerters (32 percentile)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm 4 weeks old today!

Parker is now four weeks old! I can't believe he is already that old. Doesn't seem like we have even been home from the hospital for very long. He has started sleeping better finally. The last two nights we have gotten some longer stretches at a time, with the most being a five hour stretch. Poor little guy broke out with baby acne two days ago. We are hoping that goes away soon. We took all these pictures tonight when Tim got home to document his four week old self.