Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oak Harbor Trip

We are back and had a great time visiting my family and friends up in Washington. These pictures are from the trip, except for the above picture was taken right after we got home. It was too cute to not put on here though. Parker met lots of new people and poor kid was drug all over the place. I think he is happy to be back home and on his normal routine. He was definitely spoiled rotten by many, especially by Grandma Bonnie, Uncle Kelly, and Cal. Tim was up for a weekend with us and we made it a whirl wind weekend visiting as much people as we could, even connecting up with some of Tim's old Navy buddies.
Parker loves chewing on everything, especially my fingers, but sometimes his rings suffice.
Trying to get a family picture. Parker was more interested in chewing on his rings. :)
Naked baby!
Parker with Cal and his mom Bev. Bev absolutely adored Parker...Cal did too!
Kelly, Parker and me. Parker loved his Uncle Kelly tons!
Kelly had fun putting his sunglasses on Parker.
Kelly and Parker just hanging out.
Go Cats!
Parker has started holding his little stuffed toys. He tries to eat them sometimes too.
Smiley baby!
Josh and Parker sporting U of A gear. I used to babysit Josh and he is now a freshman at the U of A. He had lots of questions for Tim about the school, especially about the party seen. :)
Having a family dinner at the Thompson's.
Parker go to meet my friend Susie. Susie and I met on the school bus in kindergarten and have been friends since.

Parker likes to spit up. He had just got Cal before this picture.
He likes to hold our thumbs and let us pull him to a standing position. Then Parker likes to immediately find one of our fingers to gnaw on.
Hopie and Parker.
Ari grew up across the street from me. She also has the same birthday as Parker, which is the day before mine for those of you who don't already know that. The DiMatteo's got a new puppy this year, who happened to be born on my birthday, so this is the picture of the birthday twins.
Grandma Bonnie and Parker. I love this picture! I think Parker already has my mom wrapped around his little finger...shh, don't tell her though. ;)

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I thought I would update, even though I don't have the capability to put pictures on this thing from my mom's house. Parker and I made it to Seattle with relatively little hassle and stayed with Tim for the night until my mom came and picked us up on Wednesday morning. We have been up on the island since then, and Tim joined us on Friday night after he finished up work down in the Seattle area.

Since Tim has been here, we managed to get a date for dinner in on Friday evening while my mom watched Parker. Saturday for lunch, we met up with Tim's old Navy buddy Bryan and his wife Leise who just moved back to Washington from DC last week, and then we had dinner with another Navy friend Adam and his wife Dana. We had a ton of fun with all of them. This morning, we had breakfast with some of the kids I used to babysit and one of my good friends I grew up with, and are just hanging out this afternoon before we head to my Aunt and Uncle's house for dinner. Yes, we have kept busy so far. Parker seems a little confused at all the new places and faces he has seen over the last few days. Everyone adores the little man.

Tim heads back to STL tomorrow, and Parker and I will be up here until the 25th. We still have a bunch of lunch/dinner dates with old family friends until we leave. It has been so great to see everyone so far!

Monday, August 10, 2009

For Daddy!

Tim left yesterday for his first business trip since Parker has been born. Last night was my first night all on my own, and things luckily went fine. I took Parker shopping today with my friend Stacey, and then our Parent as Educators lady came tonight to check up on us and see how Parker is doing with his developmental milestone. She said he is doing very well. He met and/or exceeded all areas, especially with his toy playing. She said he had all five of his senses going there and that is very good. Yeah Parker! Our next big milestone to work for is to get him to start lifting his head and looking around while on his tummy. Parker doesn't know it yet, but he is going to start getting a bunch more tummy time. :) Tomorrow evening, Parker and I will be heading out to Washington to go visit my mom for a couple of weeks. We will stay with Tim tomorrow night in his hotel, and then my mom will come get us Wednesday morning. Tim finishes up his training on Friday and will meet us up at my mom's house for the weekend before he has to come back to St. Louis.
Hi Daddy, we miss you!!!!!!

This video is for Timmy...he is missing his boy a lot.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Talking to Daddy

Parker decided to have a little conversation with Tim while they were playing today. I caught a clip of it. Parker is starting to talk a lot more these days. My favorite noise he makes is when he is yawning. When he exhales, he makes this cute little noise. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I took Parker to get his picture taken today and then he spit up all over his shirt, so he hung out shirtless for a while today. Look at that belly! On another note, he has finally taken a little bit to his Bumbo chair. It used to be that he would scream his head off the second we put him in it. Now, he plays for a little bit before getting fussy. We are making progress!!!

13 weeks

Parker is already thirteen weeks (as of yesterday) and three months exactly today. How did my baby get so big???? I know, I have said this many of times already. He has got quite the little personality on him, and has also learned how to make new sounds this last week. Some of them are very cute, while others of them are just new levels of letting us know he is ticked off, so we don't like those ones as much. Parker continues to slobber all the time and very rarely makes it through the day without having a clothing change from either spitting up, or just plain drooling too much on his shirt. We had a great visit this weekend with my Aunt Joanne and Uncle Buzz who were passing through on their way home from a trip. Parker had bad tummy pains one night while they were here, and Aunt Joanne showed us the old Garcia hold for tummy pain. Worked like a charm on Parker.
Starring at daddy right before complete meltdown occured last night.
Playing with his rings. His favorite toy.
Looking adorable as always...well, unless he is screaming.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Morning Stretch

Parker has the most hilarious morning stretch. Our friend Dave calls it the old man in a berka lounger stretch. We have snapped pictures of him before, but this morning, we decided to take a little video. Or, I should say I decided to take a video. Tim thought I was just snapping a bunch of pictures. This isn't the best of his morning stretches, but it'll get the idea of it across. Parker has figured out what the camera is, and as soon as we get it out, he will stop doing whatever cute thing he was doing.