Monday, April 26, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Walking, Walking, and Teeth

Parker is walking all over the place now. He is getting quicker and quicker and his arms are slowly lowering when he walks instead of him holding them way up by his head. He looks super cute walking around too. He also has two new teeth coming in to bring the total to six in his head. His new favorite activity is to throw his little ball, then go get it, then throw it, and go get it again. I love it, because he entertains himself. I did try to roll the ball back and forth with him, but he kept throwing it away from me, instead of to me.
He loves to go on the other side of the banister from us and look through. He gets the biggest giggle fits ever doing this. It is super cute!
Our friend's daughter Ainsley made her first communion last weekend. She looked beautiful and we had fun being involved.
He wasn't too happy with me here, but I just loved the little outfit with the cute little shoes!
We took Parker to a play night through a program we participate in called Parents as Teachers. They had a messy play night, and Parker had a blast. Here he is painting with pudding. He loved the bin of oreos that were crushed up to simulate dirt, but thought it was more fun to eat them instead of playing with them. I blame the liking of oreos on his Grandpa Ron. :) Parker also loved the bubbles that were being blown and the wash a baby station. He just loved splashing in the water.

This is at the give the baby a bath station.
After bath time...all squeaky clean!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Uncle Mark

Uncle Mark came to visit this past weekend. Parker had a bunch of fun playing with him. I think Uncle Mark had a great time playing with Parker as well. :)

Look, we got him in a University of Arizona sweatshirt!

Cozy Coupe

Grandma Bonnie bought Parker a cozy coupe for his birthday, but since it has been so nice here, we decided to put it together a little early for him. He loves it! I had the very first generation coupe when I was little, but they are so much fancier now!

Parker loves his cheerios, and I have a ton of fun sticking them to his face. My mom has a picture of Kelly (my brother) just like this when he was about the same age as Parker is now.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

Parker's first Easter went well. We all went to mass in the morning, and he only had to be escorted out of church twice! This was a big improvement from the week before. We hosted Easter dinner at our house and were lucky to have two of our neighborhood families join us.