Sunday, February 22, 2009

Crib and Play yard

We decided to be a little motivated this morning, so we finished up putting the bedding on our crib, and then Tim with me supervising put together the play yard. I am still working on putting clothes away for the little guy since he has quite the wardrobe already.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

28 weeks

I am now 28 and a half weeks, although this picture was taken on Sunday right as I hit 28 weeks. We had a doctor appointment last week on Thursday. Everything is still looking good. Parker once again kicked the doctor as he was trying to listen to the heart rate, which was 154 this month. He seems to be pretty consistent with where his heart rate is so that is good. I also had to do my glucose test at this appointment. I thought I was going to barf after drinking that pure sugar drink. I hate getting blood drawn too, so I am not sure which part of it I hated the most.

Tim is busy, busy, and oh, did I mention busy right now? He and his group are now up to working twelve hour days seven days a week for this week and possibly next, then hopefully it'll calm back down to their 60 hours 6 days a week. Poor guy is very exhausted, and I miss him! I am finally back down to two days a week though, so at least I get to meet him for lunch a few days a week. That is about all that is going on around our house for the moment.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I got back from a great visit up to Oak Harbor on Monday. I spent twelve days soaking in the ocean and mountains. I didn't realize how much I had taken them for granted my whole life. I flew in on January 28. I left seven inches of snow behind in Saint Louis and arrived to sun in Seattle. Then, Monday, I left snow in Seattle and came back to sun in Saint Louis. Doesn't happen like that very often. :)
The first week I was there, my mom and my Aunt Susie had a baby shower for me. It was great fun to get to see all my old friends again! They came from all over, most of them from the Seattle area, but one of my good friends from hygiene school came all the way over from Couer d' Alene, Idaho. Thank you to all that came, it really meant so much to me!!! Needless to say, Parker was once again spoiled rotten. He has tons of new clothes and a few other baby things he will be needing.
The rest of the week, I spent relaxing with my mom. She showed me her new house, which is torn apart right now, but I think will look very nice once it is done. The wood floor guys were installing the wood floor while I was there. The kitchen cabinets still need to go in along with the rest of the kitchen stuff, so it'll look a lot different next time I see it. Kelly came home from Pullman for my last weekend and we got to spend some time together. All in all, it was a great relaxing trip, but my favorite moment was when my mom and I went to the commissary one day for groceries. My mom tore her meniscus a couple weeks before I got there. We were quite the pair shopping. One time, she needed something on the bottom shelf that was pushed way back and there was no one else in sight. She tried to bend down, but her knee wouldn't allow it, so then she looked at me. I don't really bend either, so there I was down on my hands and knees in the grocery store grabbing stuff off the bottom shelf. I am sure it was quite the site to see.