Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Sun is Shining!

We had a HOT weekend, so we spent a lot of time outside. Parker loves to go outside. He even got to go in the kiddie pool for the first time yesterday and loved it. He thought splashing was just the coolest.

A rare picture of all three of us.
Parker has started clapping. He is so proud of himself when he claps. It is so cute!

Parker always likes to take daddy's Nalgene bottle and carry it around with him.
Parker, with Stacey, Hayden, Helen, Lily, and Zoe, the doggy.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mr. Busy

Finally caught a good one before he ran off or turned his head on me.
On Saturday, Parker cuddled with daddy on the couch for a good half an hour and read books and watched the Cardinals play ball. This is very rare these days since Parker wants to constantly be on the move.
Parker finally discovered how to get into the lazy Susan and pull the tupperware out. This provided a good half an hour of entertainment for him, as well as a big mess for mommy and daddy to clean up.
I also was treated to some snuggle time with the little man, and loved it!
Parker managed to get the frisbee over his head, but couldn't figure out how to get it off. He just kept right on playing and walking around until Tim finally took it off of him.
Today, we spent the day with Stacey and Ashton (or friend Amy's son). Ashton is only 8 weeks old, and you can now see just how big Parker is when you slide a little tiny baby next to him.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mr. Smiley Pants

We have managed to get a lot more than normal pictures of Parker actually looking at the camera and smiling the past few days. These days he is on the run so much that I am lucky to just get a picture of him even looking at the camera. He continues to be extra busy and all over the place most of the time. Today he spent the day hanging out with his 8 week old friend Ashton. He thought Ashton was very cool, and didn't get jealous at all when I held him, which is good since he has to share his time with Stacey (his sitter when I work) on Mondays here pretty soon.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Birthday Party

Parker was curious why we were all singing to him and why this monstrous Costco cake was coming at him. He really wasn't all that interested after that. He only picked at the piece of cake we gave him. He seemed to much prefer the cupcakes Grandma Bonnie made for him on his actual birthday.

Parker thought he should help with the contents of the cooler, so he ate the ice.
Giving grandma love right before she had to go to the airport to go home.

Friday, May 7, 2010

1 year well baby

Parker had his 12 month well baby check-up yesterday. He is a happy, healthy little man and developing right on track. Here are the stats:
Height: 30 and 3/4 inches (80th percentile)
Weight: 25 pounds 6 ounces (84th percentile)
Head: 90th percentile

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Parker!!!

Our little man is one today! Boy, has the time flown on by. We had a great day with him. My mom and I took him to Chik-fil-a and he got a happy meal. He ate a good chunk of it, and got to try out a juice box for the first time. He wasn't so sure about the whole juice thing. Then, we took him to the zoo. He got to see the hippos up close and personal and seemed to like them. He especially liked that we let him walk around most of the time we were at the zoo, so he wasn't constrained in his stroller. This evening, some of our neighbors came over for dinner and we gave him a cup cake. His birthday party is on Saturday!
Parker loved his new lawn mower. I can't remember if Grandma Bonnie, or Aunt Susie bought it for him when they were out here in March.
He's such a big boy now that we got to flip his car seat around so that he is front facing. He seemed to really like it and was very curious at first.
Yummy! Chocolate cupcakes!