Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Crazy Tongue!

Tonight, Tim and I were trying on some of Parker's winter clothes. We put his vest on him and he started licking it a bunch. It was too funny, so we took a video of it really quick. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

St. Genivieve

Today we drove down about an hour and a half south of us to go watch our neighbor Cari sing in her band. They had a gig in this small town America town named St. Genivieve, and were performing at a charity event to raise money for this fire fighter's family who died of a brain aneurysm back in may. We drove down with Cari's husband Jason, and our other neighbors the Caseys.
Parker and Stacey. Stacey is my really good friend, who also happens to watch Parker while I am at work. Parker is very attached to "his" Stacey.
I love this picture of Parker and Stacey. He was smiling and cooing at her. He is really making some cute little noises and talking to us a bunch these days.
He needed his afternoon nap. What a cutie!
Family photo

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yikes...the thumb is out!

So, as of a few days ago, Parker has figured out how to do what every hygienist prays and hopes their kid never does....he is sucking his thumb. NO!!!! I always try to pull his thumb out of his mouth, but he just smiles at me and puts it back in that little stinker! I wish I could get him to take a pacifier, but he just flat out refuses. He has also figured out how to arch his back to try to escape when he doesn't want to be somewhere.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Crown Molding

Tim and our neighbor Mark put up crown molding on our kitchen cabinets today. It looks great! Parker and I hung out while the guys worked.
Both my boys get mesmerized by the tv.
Here are some pictures of the finished product.

Timmy putting on the finishing touches. He was so proud of his work!

Bear Down Arizona!

Saturday, we went down to our neighbors house to watch the Arizona football game versus Iowa. Jason and Cari, our neighbors, both went to grad school at Iowa, so there was a friendly rivalry going on there.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Growing like a weed

My little man is growing like a weed! Tim and I are having so much fun watching him discover new things all the time. He is doing much better on tummy time, lifting his head really well, and is really loving his ExerSaucer. He has also started watching Baby Einstein movies and gets completely mesmerized by them. (See above picture) We have also discovered that Parker likes to poop in his Bumbo. We have both been the victims of big messes, Tim especially. I was gone, but apparently, he pooped so much that it came out of the diaper and got all over the seat of the Bumbo, but Tim couldn't get Parker out of it, so that made more of a mess, and then of course Parker was screaming his head off. I actually wish I could have been here to have witnessed all of that chaos going on.
I think Parker looks just like Tim when he yawns in this picture.

Talking and playing.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tummy Time!

Parker has not been a fan of tummy time since he was born, so it has been a struggle from day one...or I guess about day six or so when we actually got home from the hospital. Anyways, last week, he finally started really lifting himself up and figuring things out a little more. Now that his head isn't stuck on the floor, he is starting to enjoy himself a little more and doesn't scream bloody murder from the get go. :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


The last few days, Parker has started to enjoy his ExerSaucer. It is really cute to see him in it. The toy up front has all these buttons on the front of it that make noises. At first, he would hit them, and not realize he was doing it, then wonder where the noise was coming from. I think it is starting to click a little bit with him that when he touches that area, noises appear. :) He usually lasts five to ten minutes in it before meltdown occurs, but he is exploring new toys everyday and loves to play!
"Momma, look how big I am!"
He was really starring down his apple good today, I got a kick out of it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


We spent the weekend in Nashville with my cousins, and had a great time. It is hard to get a lot accomplished with a little baby, but we did pretty well. This morning, we spent our time at the Country Music Hall of Fame. Then, we had some good BBQ, although horrible service, so thank goodness the food was good. :) During the afternoon, Tim, Amy, and David all went and toured the Ryman Auditorium, which is the original Grand Ole Opry while Natalie, Parker and I hung out just playing. We then went to the Parthenon that is modeled after the Greek Parthenon. It was pretty cool to see, but it was closed, so we couldn't go inside of it. We've had a great time seeing each other, and are planning on meeting back here again sometime.

Amy and Parker
Parker, me, Natalie, and Amy
Amy and David
Timmy and me
Natalie with her cute cowgirl hat.
One big happy family. :)
Natalie and Parker

First Road Trip

Parker had his first road trip yesterday when we left St. Charles and made our way to Nashville to meet up with my cousin Amy, her husband David, and their daughter Natalie. He actually did pretty well on the drive over here, so hopefully he will do well on the drive back tomorrow. I got bored and took some pictures while we were trekking on.
"I guess this driving thing is okay mom."
"Well, I am not really digging on this whole driving this so much any more, mom.""I really don't like this at all now!"...and he fell asleep! Too bad it only last about a half an hour.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Well Baby Visit

Parker had his four month well baby visit today with shots included. Poor little guy, my heart always breaks when I have to hold his arms for them to give him his shots. He is such a little trooper though. He continues to grow like a weed. My pediatrician has a 15 month old, who only weighs a pound more than him. She wanted to know what in the world I am feeding this kid. :) Here are his stats from today:
Weight: 16 pound 14 ounces; 87th percentile
Length: 25 1/2 inches; 77th percentile
Head: 54th percentile

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to Work

Yesterday was my first day back at work. It was SO hard to leave Parker, but I wasn't worried about him, since he was with my good friend Stacey who he knows very well. Of course Parker, did fine, and I thought about him all day. I am so glad and lucky that I don't have to work full time. Parker has his four month well baby check tomorrow and will officially be four months old on Saturday. Where the heck did the time go???? I swear he was just born a few weeks ago!
Yummy! My toys taste really good, and I like to try to eat them a lot!
Milk coma.
Daddy and baby both mesmerized by the TV.
Looking adorable in his cute little camo get-up my cousin Shelly got for him.