Tuesday, December 30, 2008

21 weeks

We are over half way done!!! Yippee!!!! I swear this little guy is growing like a weed inside of me. My stomach feels like it is trying to pull apart sometimes. So far, the belly butter is doing it's job though and luckily no stretch marks have appeared on my tummy. He has become even more active. Yesterday I think he was constantly on the move and today he was moving a lot too. I have started being able to eat chicken again, which is good. Tim was going nuts with my weird aversion to chicken and is now very happy to have it back in the line up of things to eat. Baby still loves pizza, but then again, who am I kidding, I have always loved pizza too!

Phoenix Baby Shower

Tim's mom and two sister-in-laws were very nice and had a baby shower for us while we were down there. My cousin Jake and his wife Nicki, along with their two little girls Ali and Riah also showed up. It was so good to see them! Lisa and Andrea (my sister-in-laws) got all the guys involved, and actually tortered them more than anyone. We played three games. The first was where there were three teams of four and we had to change a baby's diaper blind folded. My team won. Then, there was a bottle full of milk chugging contest. Jake won quickly, but after looking back at pictures, I think he cheated. It looks like the cap is in his hand. Hmmm, so Jake, were you cheating????? The next game was a blind folded baby food taste testing competition. I tried to warn my in-laws before we started that Jake would for sure win since my Aunt Evie always had us doing taste testing when we were kids, and I was right. He is the only one who scored a perfect score. After all that, we were given a ton of gifts for the little guy. He is going to be a very spoiled little guy for sure.
My niece Lizzy gave the baby this bib that says "Chicks Dig Me" I thought it was too cute!
Paul and Lisa gave us this St. Louis Cardinals onesie. They lived here a few years ago and are still big Cardinals fans. They only saw it fitting that the baby be a fan as well.
Mark really disliked the baby food. In fact, we all thought he was going to lose it at one point, but luckily his stomach stayed strong.
Ron (Tim's dad), Jake and Tim sucking milk from a bottle...see, men never really do grow up. ;)
Tim, Paul, and Jake trying to change a diaper. Tim was VERY slow at this. He has lots of practice to do. :)

Christmas in Phoenix

We spent Christmas in Phoenix with Tim's family. Both his brothers were there along with his parents. We had a fun time seeing everyone and even took all five nieces to see "Marley and Me," which although rated PG still had a smathering of language and some interesting scenes. Luckily, all the youngest ones remember is that the dog dies and they decided that because of that they don't like the movie. They did however love the Coldstone ice cream we took them to get as well. Something I learned this trip. Kids hate washing their hands, and will always tell you they did, even when they didn't, this is why a sniff test is always required. They will also always tell you they brushed their teeth, even when they didn't. This is when being a hygienist comes in handy...can't fool me. :)
Tim, Mark, and Paul...seeing no evil, hearing no evil, and speaking no evil.
Kimberly's favorite place to be is on Uncle Tim's shoulders. She has always loved her Uncle Tim tons, and always knows she can get him to play fun games with her.
Tim discovered Mark's inversion table and loved it. He now wants one.

Friday, December 19, 2008


His face looking straight at us.

Tim and I went in for our ultrasound today after having it canceled yesterday. They originally had me rescheduled for December 31, but managed to get me in today. Thank goodness, we had a lot of phone calls last night wondering what "it" was. Luckily, today we were able to tell people that "it" is now a baby boy. He is not modest by any means, his legs spread eagle several times throughout the ultrasound. Tim was also finally able to see him moving around. He has been very active the last few weeks, and the ultrasound proved just that. Arms were flying all over the place, legs were kicking and the head was turning all over the place. Then, every hygienist's worst nightmare...I saw him bring his hand to his mouth and start sucking on his thumb! I could just see the dollar signs for braces right then and there. Oh well. Everything is looking really good according to our doctor and he is in the 50th percentile for weight and head size.

This is a view from the butt, showing the two legs and that he is in fact a boy.

Look how cute his little foot is! I love this one!

Yep, he's sucking that thumb all right...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

19 weeks

We find out the sex of the baby this week if he/she is cooperative!!!! Tim took this picture of the ever expanding belly last night before we went to a Christmas party for my work. This week the baby has been very active. I can feel it moving around and kicking or punching at my insides. It feels super weird. The only bummer is that Tim isn't able to feel anything from the outside of my tummy yet. I think the kiddo had a growth spurt on Tuesday night. My scrubs fit fine on Tuesday and I put them on Wednesday when I got to work and they were snug and too small. Lucky I had a few pairs that were a little bigger at home until I can hit the scrub shop today.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

18 Weeks

The little one keeps growing! I feel like I am huge, although I have been told I am not by several people. It is starting to get harder and harder to bend over to grab things. My belly definitely gets in the way. I have felt the baby moving around a few more times since Tuesday morning when it woke me up. Other than that, we're just chugging along.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It moves!

So, two nights ago, I am peacefully sleeping. Or, as Tim says, out with no way of waking, I was awoken. Startled awake more like it at two in the morning. I felt like I was having all these weird muscle spasms in my tummy. In my zombie like state, I finally figured out that it was my little bun in the oven kicking me from the insides. How weird it felt. My sister-in-law had just been describing how weird it felt to me when she was here this weekend, and boy was her description spot on. (Thank you Lisa!) Then, of course after feeling the baby move for the first time I instantly had to get up to use the restroom. Guess he/she must have been kicking my bladder too. Anyways, I was just really excited to have experienced feeling the baby move. I am sure pretty soon it will be a common occurance.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a fun Thanksgiving weekend and were very fortunate to have a large chunk of Tim's family come out to visit. His parents and 91 year old grandma flew out from Tucson, Arizona and his from Paul, his wife Lisa, and their girls Lizzy, Hannah and Kaity all drove out from Enid, Oklahoma. Tim and I hadn't seen Paul's family since the wedding and the girls have grown sooo much. I had a blast spending time with all of them and couldn't be luckier to have gotten five amazing nieces. (There are two that weren't here that are pretty amazing too!) Tim's mom made almost all of our Thanksgiving dinner. I helped a little and so did Lisa. Lisa and I mainly had clean up duty. Friday, Lisa, Lizzy, Hannah and I went shopping for a bit, while Paul helped Tim put up Christmas lights. Saturday we took Tim's folks and grandma down to Forest Park to walk around and go in the Art Museum. Sunday everyone had to go home :( and we got our first snow fall.
Tim and I in front of our mantel. Below is Tim carving his first turkey. He didn't like the carving knife and fork that I bought him. He said the design stunk and it was too slippery.