Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Playful Boy

Parker has discovered the wooden bulldog! I like to tell him that he is playing with Grandpa. Most of you do not know the story behind the bulldog, but to make it short and sweet, my dad's high school mascot was the bulldog. He was the star football player, and after he died, one of his teammates saw this bulldog, had a little plaque around it's neck made and gave the bulldog to my grandparents. Growing up, I always played with the bulldog when I would visit my grandparents, and always reminded my Nonnie (grandma) that the bulldog was mine, even though he stayed at her house. The summer I graduate from college, my Nonnie and Papa sent the bulldog to me with my aunt and uncle when they drove up to see Tim and me. Parker is very cute, as he likes to maneuver himself to the bull dog, and then pat its head, like he does to our neighbor's dog Zoe.

Parker likes to eat his feet, but only when I put his shoes on.
Parker had some boy bonding time with daddy over the weekend.

Parker's New Ball

Parker got a new ball today when we went to Walmart. He had a fun time with daddy playing with it tonight.

Furniture Scooting

Parker has become very good at walking between pieces of furniture and his bigger toys. He is moving around the great room pretty quickly these days. Every once in a while, he glances up and smiles at us all proud of himself. It is very cute!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Little Walker

Parker is starting to move more and more. He absolutely loves holding our fingers and walking. Last night our little neighbor Ainsley helped Parker walk so I could video him. Parker sure loves his Ainsley. Her mom is my friend Stacey who also watches Parker while I work. Ainsley is a big helper with Parker and always comes up to our window on the way to the bus stop to wave at Parker, which he loves.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Furniture Walker

Parker has rapidly started walking along the furniture. He starts out playing with his stand up toy, and very quickly works his way to the ottoman, and then aroudn the ottoman. He absolutely loves anything to do with "walking". We are constantly having to let him hold our fingers and let him walk, and boy is he starting to get fast and more and more stable. I am scared about how soon he may actually be walking all on his if I could only get him to try to crawl, we'd be in business.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Toys

Please share your sandwich with me daddy, please, oh please!
Flying baby!
Parker had two big new toys opened today. We bought him this house a while ago for his Christmas present, and it has been sitting in the box waiting to come out. My mom bought him the little wagon for his Christmas present. Tim finally had some free time this morning, so he put both of them together. Parker loves them both. He has also been on the move a lot more. He LOVES to stand, and is walking along the furniture. I keep trying to give him tummy time, so he can learn how to crawl, but he doesn't really want to be there, so he rolls right to his back.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Trip to Washington

We got back from our two weeks in Washington visiting my family on Tuesday. We had a great time relaxing and spending time with everyone. In addition, Parker did very well for his first Christmas. He got to meet some more new friends of ours this trip, and saw other friends again. Parker has once again proven that he is such an awesome traveling baby.
With Uncle Kelly
Parker loves his Grandma Bonnie.
Merry Christmas...our morning started at 5:00 AM

I told Kelly to get to my mom's for presents, then Parker melted down and had to take a nap. Kelly was less than impressed that I woke him up so early. :)
Cuddling with Uncle Kelly.

Opening his first present.
Parker was really the only one who had things to open.
Uncle Kelly thought it would be fun to put him in his toy basket, Parker didn't agree.
My friend Shelley came by to see us for a bit.

Hanging out with Cal.

My friend Cherry came up to see us. She is pregnant, so we got her a bag of baby gifts. Parker thought he needed to be involved, so he just plunged head first into the bag.
...and came out with a toy.

He's discovered his toys and his new thing is to grab his feet when it is time to get his diaper changed.
Staring down Uncle Ron.
With the two of the Daymude kids.
Eating his first JoJo.
Parker loves his daddy so much!

My friend Tarrah from hygiene school came to see us with her daughter Paytan. I used to watch Paytan and take her to Costco and Cold Stone a lot. Paytan has grown so much since then.
Paytan and Parker
Tarrah, Parker, and me.
My mom has a new dog named Minnie. She was abused and is kind of skittish. Parker loves doggies and was excited that Minnie finally came and licked his fingers.
Parker and Uncle Kelly.
All smiles with Grandma.
Uncle Kelly fed Parker his first popscicle.
Uncle Kelly thought Parker needed toilet paper wrapped around his head. Parker again didn't really like this. Other news is that Parker now has two teeth. He got his lower central incisors on Christmas day. He still loves to brush his teeth, so that makes me happy. :)