Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trunk or Treat?

We went Trunk or Treating at our church tonight, with our friends, the Caseys. Parker is a cheeseburger this year for Halloween. With our festivities tonight, we'll get two uses out of his costume...woohoo! Parker had a lot of fun running around tonight and even made it to a few trunks. He liked digging in the bowls for candy, even though he couldn't really eat much of it. :)
Ainsley, Parker, and Hayden
Family photo op

Trying to figure out how to get into his candy.
Stacey wanted to be a cheeseburger...
...and I decided to try it out too!

After Parker got out of his costume, daddy let him drive the car. This is one of the things he loves most, but rarely gets to do.

Monday, October 18, 2010

My He's Grown!

I just brought Parker's infant carrier back to the house since my friend had been borrowing it. I left it out when I got home, with the intention of putting it in the basement in the morning, but Parker is having so much fun crawling in and out of the baby seat. It is one of his favorite things to do right now. So, the picture above was taken when he was six weeks old, and the shot below is from last week sometime. It really puts into perspective how big he has gotten. Funny how he is a diaper baby in both. :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Trip to Oak Harbor

The aftermath of stealing mommy's ice cream bar. He thoroughly enjoyed it!
Uncle Kelly thought it would be funny to stick a mini nilla wafer on Parker's forehead. The best part was that there was cookie residue on his forehead when we finally pulled it off.
Parker with his girlfriend Hopie.
With grandma on her birthday.
Hopie, Kelly, and me.
Kelly, my mom, and me.

There is an awesome park by my mom's house we took Parker to several times. He loved the swings the most, and the slide was a very close second.
He also liked this music making thing.
With Uncle Kelly and mommy.
With Grandma Bonnie and Uncle Kelly.
Grandma Bonnie, Minnie (the dog), me, Parker, and Uncle Kelly.
Grandma was tickling him and Minnie was licking him.
My little cutie pie!
At Red Robin with Uncle Kelly and Bryan.
Parker and I both got lucky and we each had our own seat on the plane ride both directions. Here he is on the way home.
This is a preview of Parker's Halloween costume. He refuses to wear anything on his head, so it was a little harder than expected to find him a good costume.