Sunday, March 20, 2011

A few randoms...

Parker likes to climb in the lego bucket, but refuses to let the milk cup go.

He likes his sit and spin, but still has some trouble figuring it out.
Here he is pushing his toy. Notice the milk cup dangling from his mouth...anyone noticing a trend with Parker and his milk cup?
I just couldn't resist taking a picture of this cutie pie!

The Zoo

Last week, a few of the neighbors, Parker, and I all went to the St. Louis Zoo. I have now learned that I will become a member there, because Parker loved it so much. His favorite part was the children's zoo, but he enjoyed the other parts as well, especially the Primate House. He loves monkeys! He also liked seeing all the turtles and snakes in the reptile house. If you ask him what the snake does with his tongue, Parker will stick his tongue in and out.
This is when Parker saw his first big animal of the day. I believe it was the rhinos.
Playing on the jeep with Hayden in the children's zoo.
Petting the guinea pigs.
All tuckered out from a hard day of playing at the zoo.

Papa, Papa, Papa!

Tim's parents came to visit a few weeks ago, and Parker was all about Tim's dad. Although we referred to him as Grandpa Ron, Parker quickly decided he was going to call Ron Papa. So, Papa it is! Tim and I got a kick out of Parker and Papa playing together, and how Parker would just crawl right up next to Papa at the dinner table. I love the above picture, because you can see the smile on both of their faces as they were playing with the train.
Parker loves reading books! Here he is reading with Papa, but he also had several books that grandma read him as well.
Tim, his parents and Parker.
One of the many times Parker crawled up next to Papa to eat.