Monday, November 30, 2009


We drove to Enid, Oklahoma for Thanksgiving this year at Tim's brother Paul and his wife Lisa's house. Tim parents were also there, along with Super Grandma...aka Tim's grandma. We had a great time with everyone, and Parker got to finally meet the rest of Tim's family. Parker was definitely not spoiled at all, and his cousins didn't really like him. ;)
Poor kid is the only boy. We were missing two of the nieces, so really there are five girls and then the little guy. Here he is with Kaity, Lizzy, and Hannah.
Paul and Lisa have to weeney doggies. Parker loves doggies, especially calm ones. He is used to Zoe, the spastic puggle that lives down the street.

Parker with Super Grandma.
Resting with Uncle Paul and Aunt Lisa

He liked it when Grandma Gail let him stand on the counter.
Ooohhhh, a Christmas tree....what can I do with that?
First time in a swing and he loved it!

Parker really could care less about the presents he got, he liked the tissue paper and the bag much better.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wild Haired Kid

Parker's hair is growing and it is fun to spike up after his bath. He just likes that we usually let him hang out in his diaper for a while.
I watched my friend Stacey's kiddos yesterday so Tim could go to the Rams game with her husband and one of the other neighbors. Parker just wanted to be one of the big kids. Isn't it cute?
This morning, Parker decided that his book was better to eat than read.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Parker has the cutest little laugh. I love it! Random things will get him going, and me saying boo the other day did it. Luckily, the camera was right next to me, so I was able to video him a little.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

My little cutie

We went to church on Sunday after not going for a while, so it was an excuse to get Parker done up all cute. My friend Monica gave me the little Polo cords, and I just couldn't resist how cute his little booty looked, so I had to snap a picture. This was his first time wearing a sweater too. He was amazingly well behaved in mass. I am not sure what I did to luck out and receive such a good baby. All I know is that someone was watching out for me. :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

Parker rarely has a smile without his tongue hanging out of his mouth these days.
Water bottles are one of his favorite toys. He loves to chew on the lids.

Look at me! I am such a big boy sitting up all by myself!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

6 Months

Parker is 6 months old now! Boy, has time just flown by for us. He had his six month well baby check-up on Thursday and is still doing well. He is now 19 pounds (77th percentile), 27 and a quarter inches long (79th percentile), and is in the 72th percentile for his head. Poor little guy had three shots, but took them like a champ. He is still liking his baby food and is sitting up by himself more and more. His new favorite toys are water bottles and magazines.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Parker has now discovered the keyboard for the computer. I needed to check something online last night and just plopped him on my lap. He had great fun smashing keys on the keyboard, and sent me out of my page a few times.
Parker has now moved from carrots to sweet peas in his solid foods. He loved his carrots, but wasn't such a fan of the sweet peas tonight. Little does he know that he is still stuck eating them for three more days. We were laughing so hard from the faces that he was making tonight that we decided to video a little of it. Enjoy!