Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cards vs M's

Tim, Stacey, Jason, and I all went to watch the Cardinals vs Mariners game last night. The Mariners finally one a game in the series...yeah!!! I was the only M's fan sitting wear I was, but I did see a few as we were entering and leaving the stadium.

Parker has a new face!

Parker started making this face a few days ago, and does it all the time. He scrunches up his nose, puckers his lips, and makes this funny breathing sound with his nose.
Playing with daddy.
I decided to take Parker for a walk in the morning yesterday before his nap. I guess he was more tired than I realized because he just couldn't manage to stay awake until we got home.
My little cutie!
Clapping for himself. He just randomly will break out clapping and smiling. It is really kind of funny and cute all at the same time.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Our friends the McGowans came by for dinner on Friday night. Mike worked with Tim in Everett, and they now live in Huntsville, AL, so it was great to get to see them again.

Our friends the Jay's came by for dinner tonight. Their daughter Audrey is six months old and Parker sure likes her. He gave her kisses, and tried to play with her, although he is a giant next to her and doesn't realize his own strength.

Friday, June 11, 2010

No Pants!

This is Parker's new favorite: wearing his t-shirt, and not shorts/pants, just a diaper. He actually prefers to be completely naked, but just wearing a diaper is second best when he gets to choose. It is a HUGE fight to get him dressed everyday. You would think we were beating by the screams he makes, not to mention the flailing arms and kicking legs. Good thing he is so cute!
Clapping is another one of Parker's favorite things to do right now.
Mr. Cutie Pie!
My friend Stacey snapped this picture of the three of us last night. I can hardly believe it, we have a picture not only of the three of us, but we are all smiling and all looking at the camera. I swear, it is a miracle!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Punta Cana

Tim and I took a last minute long weekend to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. We flew out Thursday morning and came back on Sunday afternoon. We had a fun time laying on the beaches, and a trip out to the cigar factory to see how they were made.

A picture of us from the bar on the beach.

This is a guy who rolls cigars for a living. They have to roll over 300 a day before they get to go home.
Tim was given a sample of a cigar at the cigar factory. The cigar roller was smoking a cigar he had just rolled, and was also posing for pictures with all the tourists.

I missed my little man SO much! I was so excited to come home to him!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Update Time

Parker and his friend Emily playing in some spilled water. Parker loves to splash water at Emily's house when they play with her water table. Poor Emily doesn't know what to think of wild man Parker and all his splashing.
Thirsty dude after all that splashing. He had to take some of daddy's water.

This is Parker with Jason and Stacey. They are his pseudo parents when Tim and I aren't around.
Parker had his second haircut today. He tolerated it much better than last time.
...and he still has a nice little poof in the back of his head due to some crazy cowlicks. Those could have come from either side, and both Tim, my brother, and my mom all have some crazy cowlicks.
Parker likes to give us this look and shack his head back and forth. He doesn't understand that he is saying now, but the look is hilarious, and he started doing it just as I snapped this picture today.