Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend Update...

We are still chugging along and adjusting to having the little guy with us. My mom left on Saturday, so Tim and I are officially on our own doing this parenting thing. Luckily, Parker is starting to get his night routine down a little better. Day time we are still working on, but I think it is a lost cause at the moment. We are more concerned with getting the nighttime figured out first. :) He is sleeping pretty well most nights, we usually get three to four hour stretches in with feedings in between. Today was the first day I had to get creative to take my shower since Tim was out mowing the lawn, so I put him in the baby swing and the above picture was the result. Isn't he so cute all tuckered out there? He continues to grow (has very long legs, and is outgrowing his three month sleepers, luckily, the onesies still fit fairly well), still loves his car seat and walks with mom, and loves to fall asleep on daddy's chest. One last funny bit of information is that today, daddy was holding Parker when he decided to let his butt explode. Tim had never heard Parker take care of business so loudly that he jumped. He just happened to be reaching for his coffee mug and almost dropped it. I sat there and just laughed. Parker has his one month check-up at the pediatrician on Thursday, so we'll update more then.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Parker is Three Weeks!

Parker is three weeks today! The picture above and directly below were taken today. He continues to grow like a weed and is starting to outgrow some of his three month clothes. Mostly sleepers. He has pretty long legs. Poor little guy is still struggling with gas. Gripe water works some of the time on him, but for some reason the gas always seems to strike in the middle of the night. Today mommy and daddy are walking zombies...other days when he sleeps well, we are what I like to call functionally tired.

Auntie Shelley came to visit this weekend. The big joke was that Shelley scared the poop out of Parker. Each time she held him, within seconds he was pooping quit loudly in his drawers. Hmm, where is Shelley when Parker is having his major gas issues???
Parker is starting to freak out less when it is bath time. His little belly aka pansa is getting big!
Yummy! Mommy's ice cream sandwich is good!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Many Faces of Parker...

We have noticed over the past two and a half weeks that Parker likes to make all sorts of faces. He wrinkles his forehead (something he got from mommy) a lot, and moves his lips into all sorts of different poses. He likes to open his eyes with some of his faces and then other times keeps them snapped shut. Tim imitated one of Parker's faces the other day, and he looked just like Parker did. You can definitely tell the two of them are father and son. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week 2

Parker has had a busy second week of life so far. Uncle Kelly and his girlfriend Amy were here for the entire time. They just left this morning. Parker had a lot of fun with them, and even got to explore new places for the first time. Friday, we took Kelly and Amy to Montelle, which is a winery close to our house. Saturday, he went out to Scott AFB with my mom and I to do some grocery shopping. Monday, we all went down to Forest Park and explored the zoo. Parker was a very good baby during all of our outings. He seems to really love his car seat and sleeps well in it. Today starts the beginning of his third week of life, and we continue to have a blast watching him grow, which he is doing tons of. I have already had to put clothes in the too small pile.
Parker loved sleeping on Uncle Kelly...he also liked peeing on him too. Somehow Kelly always seemed to be holding him when his diaper would leak.
Parker also loves sleeping on daddy's chest.

Some how the zoo map slid down through the stroller canopy while we were at the zoo and landed right on top of Parker. I thought it was too cute when I looked in to check on him and he had his little hand holding it in place.
After waking mommy up in the early morning.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Parker is growing like a weed these days. I have noticed his little cheeks are starting to fill out. Now, if only we could get his little thighs to chub up, we would be in good shape. No matter what brand of diapers we use, his little legs are too skinny for them and he likes to leak urine out. My brother has already been peed on twice, not to mention other lucky folks. It's his secret defense weapon I am convinced. We are still struggling with the whole sleep thing. He sleeps really well the first part of the night and then he struggles with bad gas the rest of the night, and mylicon drops are just not hacking it for him. Other than that things are continuing along and he is a fun little guy to have around and entertain us with all his funny little faces he makes.

Monday, May 11, 2009

First Pediatrician Visit

Parker had his first visit to the pediatrician today. He was a very good boy while we were there. He only got mad when we had to strip him down to his diaper and do the measurements. Other than that, he was a happy camper. Today, he weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces, which is good since he has gained weight since leaving the hospital and he measured at 20 and a quarter inches long. Once the cone head he was born with went away, he lost a quarter inch of his height.

Other news on Parker is that he was a very good sleeper last night. He only woke up once during the night. The first part of the night, he slept for a little over four hours and then after he ate in the middle of the night, he slept another three hours. That made me very happy! He also loves his car seat, which is awesome. He seems to instantly fall asleep when we put him in it and get in the car. My mom and I spent a little over an hour in Target with him in it and he didn't even squak once.

Tim went back to work today. He said he missed his little boy tons, and is now sitting very contently with the little man sleeping on his chest. That's about all that is going on around here for now.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pictures of the Little Boy...

Going Home

Well everyone, here is the latest and greatest on Mr. Parker. He has had a very eventful first few days of life. The afternoon he was born, we let the nurses take him for a few hours so Tim and I could get some rest. When they brought him back to us, the pediatrician came in and told us he had a heart murmur that was louder than they like to hear. For this reason they took a chest xray and then called in the neonatologist. After this, the doctors told Tim and I that they thought we needed to send him to Children's Hospital for further evaluation and an echocardiogram. So, with tears in our eyes, the special baby transport team came and got him that night and Tim followed behind.

Wednesday morning the echo was done, and that afternoon Tim met with the cardiologist and Children's. The cardiologist told Tim that Parker has what is called Pulmonary Stenosis and that it is a very mild case. Right now, we just need to monitor it, and no surgery is required. We need to bring him back in a few weeks for a follow-up, and another echo, to make sure the heart is growing properly. They kept him that night just for observation and we got him back Thursday morning.

Since then, I have been just eating up this little guy. He is so adorable and I can already see some personality in him. He definitely has an "I'm a faker" cry, and the most adorable face that goes along with it. He is a little piglet. I am not sure if he gets his hungar streak from my dad's side of the family, or from Tim. I also have seen a few little personality things in him that remind me exactly of Tim. His looks are changing little by little each day, and in true fashion, my mom and I like to sit and pick apart his features and say who we think he got them from.

As I am sitting here, I am supposed to be breast feeding, but the little guy decided that sleeping sounded like more fun, so I am just waiting for him to decide that he is actually more hungary than sleepy. We are getting ready to go home this morning and just veg out there. My mom flew in on Thursday and has already been a huge help. I think her favorite thing to do is to just sit and hold the little guy. Between Tim, my mom and I, he doesn't get much time out of someone's arms. Tim or I will try to get some more pictures of the little guy up here soon!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Meet Parker Ty Johnston

Here he is everyone! At long last our little boy came into the world today. Parker Ty Johnston entered the world via C-section at 12:41 pm today. He cried while he was being cleaned-off, but as soon as I held him he seemed content. He quietly stared up at me with big open eyes while Jami was being tended to. He weighed in at a healthy 7 lbs. 14 ounces. He has a full head of light brown hair, and big bluish-gray eyes.

More information to follow.


Long Night at the Hospital...

Hello Everyone!

Well, it's been a long night with Jami (and Parker) at the hospital. We checked into the hospital at 8 pm last night. The Pitocin started flowing at 10 pm. Jami got the epidural at about 3 am, and the water was broken at about 5:45 am. I am lounging next to the baby monitoring station, so I feel confident in telling everyone that Parker has a very strong heartbeat and is doing fine. Momma is doing great too...resting on her side and even making a brief Facebook check this morning. I would say that Jami is highly motivated to have this baby!

I will keep you all updated.
